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Pair graduate from Right Living House

Left to right: Commissioner of Corrections Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Lamb, Right Living House graduate Shannon Forth, national security minister Wayne Caines, elder Kevin Santucci (Photograph supplied)

National security minister Wayne Caines has paid recognition to graduates from the treatment and aftercare programme at the Right Living House.

Mr Caines was at a ceremony with two graduates, their families and the Commissioner of Corrections, Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Lamb.

A ministry spokeswoman said: “This celebratory occasion served as an opportunity for the graduates to reflect on one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences of their lives, as they now continue their journey to living a life of recovery.

“During the ceremony, the graduates each reflected on their experiences while in the programme. They shared words of encouragement to their fellow peers and expressed their deep gratitude to the counsellors and other staff at the Right Living House.”

One of the graduates was Shannon Forth, the other requested not to be named.

The Right Living House, on the Department of Corrections Farm Facility grounds in Ferry Reach, is designed to help drug-related offenders re-enter the broader society, with a reduced potential of returning to substance abuse.