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Coaches wanted to support Mirrors Programme

Coaches for the Mirrors Programme are in demand, to make a positive difference in young peoples’ lives.

Volunteers are being called for by Zane DeSilva, the Minister of Social Development and Sports, to support one young person aged 14 to 17 across an eight-month period.

While 35 young people have signed up for the Mirrors course in life transformation, a further ten partners are needed to work one-on-on as coaches.

Mirrors participants define three goals for themselves during an intensive six-day personal development residential course — with coaches following to keep them on track.

The Mirrors SuperCamp also offers “fun in a safe and supportive environment that supports young people’s ability to develop personally”, programme coordinator Kimberley Jackson said.

Ms Jackson added: “To create the environment necessary for young people to make personal breakthroughs, Mirrors relies on community volunteers.

“It is the caring and engaging interpersonal relationships between young people and volunteers that ensure Mirrors has maximum impact.”

The role of a Committed Partner is to:

•Act as a life coach to a young person to support them in the goals they have set for themselves, and help to embed the Eight Keys of Excellence they have learnt about during the Residential component of their programme;

•Meet weekly face-to-face with your young person for at least 30 minutes — and support students with completing and submitting a weekly report as an update regarding their progress;

•Attend one weekend session per month

Persons interested should contact enrolment manager Nicola Feldman at nmfeldman@gov.bm, or call the Mirrors office on 294-9298.