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Meeting will tackle gang violence

Desmond Crockwell (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

A fresh bid to tackle gangs and antisocial behaviour in an island parish is to take place tonight.

The launch of Peace in Hamilton Parish comes after a wave of murders and attempted murders in the area.

Desmond Crockwell, of Youthvision Promotions, said: “With there having been murders and attempted murders at both Hamilton Parish Workman’s Club and Bailey’s Bay Cricket Club, we found it to be a worthy effort to bring the idea of the Anti-Violence Network to the parish.”

Mr Crockwell said the idea to hold the event in the parish came through conversations with a concerned local resident.

He added: “The verbal support we received has been overwhelming, as many people recognise our purpose.”

Mr Crockwell said family members of young men — including those of victims of violence and those convicted of offences — had signed up for the Anti-Violence Network.

He would like to see attendance continue to grow at the events as more people understand the goal.

He said: “I think their courage is commendable and should be supported.”

The event, part of series across the island, will feature a number of speakers including Pastor Leroy Bean, the new gang violence reduction co-ordinator.

Other presenters include Nicky Furbert, mother of murder victim Rico Furbert, Tyrone McHardy, counsellor at the Berkeley Institute, and boxing coach Robert Somner.

The event will also include music from Corvin Melody, J-Silva and Amori “Marvo” Browne.

Mr Crockwell said that two anonymous donors had helped to finance the event.

He added, however, that more financial support would help “so we can become more consistent in our presence throughout our island”.

Mr Crockwell said: “We must continue our efforts, because we believe we are helping to make a difference.”

Peace in Hamilton Parish will take place at Crawl Gospel Hall at 7pm.

For more information, contact 297-2018 or e-mail youthvisionsports@yahoo.com.