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Bus cancellations for Monday afternoon

(file photograph)

The Department of Public Transportation has announced the following bus cancellations for this afternoon.

The following buses will not be running:

Route 8B from Hamilton to Barnes Corner at 4.25pm.

Route 7B from Barnes Corenr to Hamilton at 5.04pm.

Route 5 from Hamilton to Pond Hill at 5.50pm.

Route 5 from Pond Hill to Hamilton at 6pm.

Route 1Y from Hamilton to Grotto Bay at 6.15pm.

Route 4SJ from Hamilton to Spanish Point at 4.16pm.

Route 4NS from Spanish Point to Hamilton at 4.45pm.

Route 8D/CH from Hamilton to Dockyard at 4.45pm.

Route 8D/CH from Dockyard to Hamilton at 6/05pm.

Route 9 from Hamilton to Prospect at 4.15pm.

Route 9 from Prospect to Hamilton at 4.25pm.

Route 3G from Hamilton to St George’s at 4.45pm.

Route 8D from Hamilton to Dockyard at 4.15pm.

Route 8D from Dockyard to Hamilton at 5.35pm.

Route 11G from St George’s to Hamilton at 4.30pm.

Route 2 from Hamilton to Ord Road at 5.25pm.

Route 5 from Hamilton to Pond Hill at 4.50pm.

Route 5 from Pond Hill to Hamilton at 5pm.

Route 8D/CH from Hamilton to Dockyard at 5.15pm.