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Dunch gets top job at Sydney Orchestra

Emma Dunch (Photograph by Britta Campion)

The daughter of a former Bermuda broadcaster has taken a top job with the world-famous Sydney Symphony Orchestra in Australia.

Emma Dunch, whose father Patrick was a radio personality on the island before moving to Australia, is the new chief executive of the orchestra, which is based in the landmark Sydney Opera House.

Ms Dunch told British newspaper The Daily Telegraph that orchestra musicians were “the Olympic athletes of classical music”.

She added her father was a classical music radio host with an extensive collection of music that became the soundtrack of her childhood.

Ms Dunch, who lived in New York for 20 years, followed in her father’s footsteps as a broadcaster and credited the Australian state school system for fostering her love of classical music.

The family emigrated to Sydney in 1965, where Patrick Dunch worked in PR for Qantas Airways until he retired.