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Regiment calls for volunteers

The Minister of National Security, Wayne Caines, and the Royal Bermuda Regiment Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel David Curley held a press briefing to highlight the Royal Bermuda Regiment's recruitment drive (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

The Royal Bermuda Regiment today stepped up its recruitment efforts as it prepares for life after conscription.

National security minister Wayne Caines joined Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel David Curley for a rallying call at the Regiment’s new pop-up recruiting office in Hamilton.

They highlighted that recruit camp will take place from January 14 to 28, and the deadline for applicants is January 4.

Mr Caines said: “We want to highlight the importance of ensuring that we have a full slate of volunteers for the upcoming Regiment Recruit Camp.

“Government has worked extensively with the Royal Bermuda Regiment to move to an all-volunteer force.

“In recent years we have had solid participation from the men and women in our community, who have chosen the path of becoming recruit volunteers. This year, we recognise the critical importance of maintaining a suitable complement of volunteers.”

They listed the following benefits of volunteering:

• Soldiers are paid $1,000 per week and will make up to $5,000 during their first year of part-time service. There are extra bonuses for soldiers who re-engage every year and pass their Individual Military Training tests;

• Soldiers train regularly in the United States, Canada, Britain and Jamaica and have been deployed on operations across the region;

• Soldiers have the opportunity to train to be leaders, either as Junior Non-Commissioned Officers or as Officers;

• Fitness is an important component of military training. The RBR continuously challenges an individual both physically and mentally in order to ensure their preparation for the demands of the military environment.

Mr Caines said: “As Minister of National Security, I’m encouraging those able-bodied men and women in our community to seriously consider volunteering for the Bermuda Regiment.

“It is a rewarding experience, both from a community standpoint and financially. I have served in the Bermuda Regiment and I am grateful for the time I spent there.

“I’ve had the opportunity to see first-hand both the work and training involved and there is nothing that gives a person greater pride than being able to serve their country. So we want to encourage the next batch of leaders to join these ranks.”

Colonel Curley said: “I would like to take this opportunity to encourage all residents of Bermuda between the ages of 18 and 35 who can spare the odd weekend or evening, who can attend an annual two-week camp either locally or overseas in order to volunteer to serve our country.

“I volunteered for Military duty approximately 28 years ago and decided to be an officer because I wanted to learn and be able to help promote an environment that fosters good sound judgment, positivity, leadership, team building and personnel interactions among our future soldiers.”

Interested individuals can either visit Warwick Camp, the Hamilton recruitment centre or www.RBR.bm to sign up. For more information, call 335-0252.