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One stop shop for children’s resources

Myra Virgil, left, managing director of the Bermuda Community Foundation, with Hemera Fund advisors Lori Gazzard and Cummings Zuill, and BCF intern Mercedes Pringle (Photograph supplied)

A new website has been set up to help parents worried about their children’s development.

The Red Flags site was funded by the Bermuda Community Foundation with the Hemera Foundation Fund charitable trust.

The BCF said the site offered “key development markers of healthy childhood development and a comprehensive listing of local childcare resources”.

Hemera was designed to support programmes for young children, and its advisory chairwoman, Lori Gazzard, said the group had spotted the need for a public information site.

Myra Virgil, the BCF managing director, said Red Flags had been piloted in Canada and picked up in 2014 by the Bermuda Government’s child development programme.

Its launch in Bermuda followed a year’s research to customise the site for the island’s needs.

The website is at www.RedFlagsBermuda.org,