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Public art initiative planned

A sculpture of Dame Lois Browne-Evans, among the better-known pieces of public art to grace government facilities, stands in the police and court building named after her (File photograph)

Government buildings and schools could become canvases to showcase the work of Bermuda’s artists, according to Lovitta Foggo, the Minister of Labour, Community Affairs and Sport.

The Transport Control Department building on North Street in Hamilton is among facilities that look “ideal to display artwork”, the ministry said.

Ms Foggo did not rule out the idea of murals to decorate walls and the outsides of buildings, but said her ministry was interested in displaying artwork indoors.

She said: “Right now we are trying to hang art inside, in helping to promote our artists.

“We are hoping that students especially will jump on board. That will give early exposure and help our budding artists.”

The programme, to be run in partnership with Public Works, is expected to include artists’ contact details for members of the public interested in purchasing, Ms Foggo said.

A sculpture of Dame Lois Browne-Evans, among the better-known pieces of public art to grace government facilities, stands in the police and court building named after her (File photograph)
A sculpture of Dame Lois Browne-Evans, among the better-known pieces of public art to grace government facilities, stands in the police and court building named after her (File photograph)