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Unsafe playground at Prospect Primary

Prospect Primary School's playground has been deemed unsafe.

Playground equipment at a Devonshire primary school has been taped off after it was branded “unsafe” in the wake an inspection.

But the Department of Education said it aimed to have repairs at Prospect Primary School completed in time for the start of the new term in January.

A spokeswoman for the education ministry said the closure order came after the staff from the department and the Ministry of Public Works buildings team carried out a condition survey at the school.

Repair work is scheduled to begin tomorrow.

The spokeswoman said PVC pipe borders will also be installed around to hold the 65 tons of sand used as soft surfacing.

The spokesman added: “We are committed to providing safe school environments, including all school buildings.

“As mentioned at the start of the school year, our facilities team works throughout the year to maintain and carry out necessary repairs to all school buildings.”