Kiwanis hold observance week
Created: Jan 22, 2019 12:00 AM (Updated: Jan 22, 2019 12:24 PM)
From left: Marie Kent-Smith, Rose Douglas, Robin Warren, Angela Pitcher, vice-president Daron Lowe and president Gary Kent-Smith (Photograph supplied)
Members of an international charity ushered in their annual observance week by welcoming motorists around a St David’s roundabout.
The Kiwanis Club of St George’s spent last Friday morning stationed outside of the Swing Bridge to promote their annual Kiwanis Week observances.
A spokesman for the club said that various events were scheduled in observance of Kiwanis Week.
On Sunday, 25 people took part in a workshop with the charity Saving Children and Revealing Secrets aimed at helping eliminate child sexual abuse.
This included an audiovisual presentation which featured child sexual abuse survivors telling their own personal stories.