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Penguin swim to help girls in Sierra Leone

A newly formed organisation, Elevating Hope is investing in the education of girls in Sierra Leone. The goal is to support Hope Academy for Girls located in a rural area of this West African country.

Elevating Hope is a registered charity in Bermuda. Charity number: T2033. Their plan is to build a library and computer lab together with erecting a fence to protect the school property and the fledgeling farm that was started on the grounds. Their goal is to raise $50,000.

What we know:

• 1 in 10 girls in Sierra Leone are able to get a high school education;

• The school will help students who would otherwise not receive an education;

• Schools specifically catering to girls ensure they learn faster, and get higher grades. Girls in a single sex environment consistently outpace their counterparts in a co-ed learning environment;

• Women who are educated tend to have fewer children and have their first child later in life; and

• Women who are educated tend to provide greater support for their families and communities.

In order to help Hope Academy the public is asked consider supporting their first fundraising event in one of several ways.

According to Mr. Abayomi Carmichael, “The Great Bermuda Penguin Swim will take place on Sunday 3 March 2019. According to the Bermuda Weather Service the temperature could go as low as 50 bone chilling degrees in late February and early March. Elevating Hope is inviting member of the public to field teams of five to take part in the event this Sunday at 3pm at John Smith’s Bay. Teams are invited to strip off their winter coats, scarves, sweaters and socks and dive in. Alternatively, teams and individuals can dress up as they wish and dive in.

“Registration is $100 per team or $20 per person to participate.”

The public can also make a donation by visiting https://go.rallyup.com/penguin.

The funds raised will help to make a difference in the life of a girl, a family, a community.

Visit charity’s social media page — www.facebook.com/elevatinghopebda for more information and some great pictures of the school and students.

The charity members are: Mr. Abayomi Carmichael, Mrs. Ngadi Kamara, Ms. Tcherari Nu Kamara, Mrs. Aderonke Bademosi Wilson, Ms. Deidra-Lee Bean and Ms. Ayana Bean.

Press release from Elevating Hope