Hamilton Parish club row rumbles on
A social and sports clubs was told to deal with its management problems internally at a Liquor Licensing Authority hearing.
Alan Smith, a former Hamilton Workmen’s Club president who has made a string of complaints against the handling of club affairs, launched an objection to its licence renewal on the grounds of management problems.
But Liquor Licensing Authority chairman Marc Daniels told a hearing on Wednesday that some of Mr Smith’s complaints had to be dealt with by the club, not by the authority.
Nigel Burgess, the club secretary, admitted there were administrative problems at the club and that it had not held a general meeting for six years because it did not have a quorum. The authority heard that the quorum was 25.
Mr Burgess, a long-serving goalkeeper for the club’s football team, said the number of paid-up members had gone up from six to 27 in recent times.
Mr Smith questioned the integrity of the club’s leadership earlier this year and asked for financial statements to be made available. But the request was denied on the basis that he was not a paid-up member.
The authority also heard 40 people, including Mr Smith, had applied for membership at the club, but been unsuccessful.
Mr Burgess said applicants would be considered for membership if they filled out the required form.
He added that revenues from bar sales had dropped but the club had been able to take care of its finances.
Mr Burgess said that the club had paid off mortgages on its three properties over the past few years and now had the deeds for the buildings.
He said rental of parts of the club had helped to cover operational costs and that bar sales were used to fund the football programme.