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New director at Bank of Bermuda Foundation

Vivien Carter (Photograph supplied)

Bank of Bermuda Foundation is very pleased to announce the appointment of Vivien Carter as Director of Programmes. Vivien has worked as the Foundation’s Programme Consultant for the past two years, liaising with Bermuda’s non-profits on the grant-giving process and requirements under the Foundation’s new Theory of Change (ToC). Introduced for the first time during the 2017 grant-giving cycle, the ToC restructured and refocused how the Foundation makes its grant-giving.

Vivien will continue to be responsible for managing and building partnerships with non-profits through the Foundation’s grant cycles.

Vivien looks forward to continuing her work to support local non-profits by providing the tools needed to improve their overall performance. Through Vivien’s work the Foundation is seeking to ensure their investment provides meaningful impact in the community.

Vivien can be contacted for more information on 704-2743 or by e-mail: vcarter@bankofbermudafoundation.bm

Press release from the Bank of Bermuda Foundation