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Gospel singers entertain crowd at City Hall

Spreading the word: 250 gospel singers from around the globe gather at City Hall to entertain crowds yesterday as part of the 49th Annual Caribbean Lectureship (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

More than 250 gospel singers from around the globe entertained crowds in Hamilton yesterday.

Visitors from the United States, Caribbean, Britain and Africa sang on the steps of City Hall to celebrate the 49th Annual Caribbean Lectureship.

It is the first time Bermuda has hosted the event, which is held in a different location each year.

Gladys Miller, 55, travelled from the Bahamas to attend the conference. She has attended more than 20 of them.

She said: “As long as I am alive, I wouldn’t miss it.”

Ms Miller attended the conference with members of the congregation from the Church of Nassau and has visited the United States and Caribbean countries.

This was the first time she has visited Bermuda and she has enjoyed the trip.

Ms Miller said: “The people are friendly and it’s easy to get around.

“The heat is about the same, but when I came I wasn’t expecting so many bikes and large buildings.”

The conference, held at the Fairmont Southampton, started on Sunday and ends tomorrow.

About 580 people attended the first day, including David Burt, the Premier.

Bruce McLarty, 62, the president of Harding University in Arkansas in the US, was invited to give a lecture at the opening ceremony.

He said that it was an “exciting experience” because it was his first time at the conference.

Dr McLarty said: “It was an honour and a great start — I couldn’t have asked for better.” It was the first time he or his wife Ann had been to Bermuda. Dr McLarty said: “People here have been so incredibly friendly and welcoming. It’s just a joyous and sweet experience.”

He added: “Because it’s here in Bermuda, a large portion of the people are from here, so we get to experience a bit of that culture.

“I’m glad to be here for the conference and I look forward to coming back sometime when we’re just on vacation.”