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Bermudians move up at public works

Abayomi Carmichael, Nasir Wade, Lieutenant-Colonel David Burch, the Minister of Public Works, Kirk Outerbridge and Steven Conway (Photograph by Owain Johnston-Barnes)

Four Bermudians have moved up the ranks in the Ministry of Public Works, it was announced this afternoon.

Lieutenant-Colonel David Burch, the public works minister, announced that Steven Conway will be the new Chief Surveyor, heading the department of Public Lands and Buildings and Kirk Outerbridge had been appointed as Chief Engineer.

Nasir Wade will take over Mr Outerbridge’s former post as plant manager at the Tynes Bay incinerator and Abayomi Carmichael has been named the principal mechanical engineer at the Government Quarry.

Colonel Burch said: “Each one of these individuals are living examples of what can happen if we invest and believe in the capabilities of Bermudians.

“We can train them to fill all manner of posts and yes, that also means that we may have to utilise the expertise of an experienced expatriate to get them where they need to be, with the ultimate goal always being to provide opportunities for Bermudians.”

Mr Conway worked for the Bermuda Housing Corporation for 12 years and later served as property manager for the Bermuda National Trust. He joined the Ministry of Public Works five years ago as a senior estates surveyor.

His predecessor Chris Farrow has been promoted to Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Labour, Community Affairs and Sport.

Mr Outerbridge served as plant manager at Tynes Bay for almost 12 years, where he was credited with the introduction a power engineering training programme, the creation of a solid waste contingency system and acted as project manager for the installation of a new turbine generator.

Mr Wade has been a mechanical engineer at Tynes Bay for the last six years and earlier worked for the US Federal Government in its central heating and cooling power plant in Washington DC.

Mr Carmichael worked as the vice president of risk management and analysis for the Ascendant Group Ltd before he joined the Ministry in July.