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Artists sought for book project

Artists have been challenged to create a cover design for a limited edition book about Bermuda’s role in genetics history.

The competition, launched yesterday by the Bermuda Principles Foundation and sponsored by the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs, was designed to give the book a more Bermudian flair.

The book, The Bermuda Triangle: The Pragmatics, Policies and Principles of Data Sharing in the History of the Human Genome Project, details the history and impact of the Bermuda Principles — a 1996 agreement made in Bermuda by researchers not to patent or cash in on the human genome after it was sequenced.

Carika Weldon, founding trustee and chairman of the Bermuda Principles Foundation, said: “Although they seem very distant there is already a marriage between art and science.

“In fact, as a scientist, I need to illustrate my research all of the time — and that requires using art. This is particularly true when we are publishing scientific papers or giving talks around the world at conferences because we include figures to help our audience better understand our work.”

The book was first published last year, but the Bermuda Principles Foundation said it wanted to create a limited edition of the book to feature the work of Bermuda artists.

Only five of the limited edition books will be released and two competition winners will provide the artwork for the front and back covers.

“The two winners will also get a $300 cash prize, a free ticket to the Bermuda Principles Awards Gala and a guaranteed placement for their work in a silent auction, as well as an option to sell items later.

The winning artwork will also be publicised by Springer Nature, the world’s largest online science publisher, with over 240 million downloads per year.

Dr Weldon said: “The Bermuda Principles is a part of our heritage and it was a hidden historical fact for years.

“Through the Bermuda Principles Foundation, we strive to bring the Bermuda Principles to the front stage and put Bermuda back on the science map. We want to include more Bermudians in this story, and hope local artists are inspired to enter.”

Lovitta Foggo, the Minister of Labour, Community Affairs and Sport, welcomed the opportunity to highlight Bermudian talent.

Artists can apply online for the competition at www.bermudaprinciples.org/art, Forms must be completed by 5pm on January 3 next year