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Central bank heads gather for summit

Bermuda hosted an international summit on fintech with representatives from central banks in the America’s and Europe.

The “small, private, invitation only” two-day conference featured about 20 participants, including Arjoon Suddhoo, the Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General.

The summit was organised by Visionary Future LLC, a US-based firm focused on fintech, digital identity and cybersecurity.

David Burt, the Premier, delivered opening remarks for the summit and welcomed Mr Suddhoo to the Cabinet Office for a courtesy visit.

Mr Burt said: “The aim of this workshop is to help member countries to build robust fintech ecosystems and assist in the development of the fintech Toolkit for Commonwealth Countries.

“We have worked with some of the top thought leaders in the space, which has helped us to develop our legislative and regulatory framework, which is the foundational pillar of our ecosystem.”

The Premier added: “I’m delighted that the Commonwealth Secretariat chose to host this fintech Toolkit Workshop in Bermuda.

“I wish to thank David Shrier, founder and managing director of Visionary Future, for asking me if Bermuda would host this workshop. Of course, it goes without saying that it was our pleasure to do so.”