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New mammogram technology at clinic

Alaire Godfrey, managing director of Ultimate Imaging (Photograph provided)

New technology to reduce pain and discomfort from mammogram examinations has been introduced at a clinic.

Alaire Godfrey, managing director at Ultimate Imaging, said: “This innovative technology is at the forefront of women’s imaging and provides an in-depth examination for the radiologist and creates a comfortable experience for the client.”

Ultimate Imaging, based in Hamilton’s Bermudiana Road, said it had bought a Senographe Pristina 3D ICAD Profound AI and a Pristina Dueta, built by tech firm GE Healthcare.

The Senographe Pristina was designed by women healthcare engineers to offer improved comfort for mammogram patients.

The Senographe Pristina Dueta is a “remote control” to allow women to manage compression during breast examinations.