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Trees on the move at city park

Tree-mendous: The unveiling ceremony of newly installed information sign at Donleigh Park, used as a tree nursery. (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

The first sapling planted in a city park nursery two years ago is ready to find a permanent home, a City of Hamilton employee said today.

A total of 20 trees were planted in Donleigh Park, the city’s newest green space, on Par-la-Ville Road, in 2018.

Steven De Silva, the city park superintendent, said that the park had been the “perfect location” for the trees to develop.

He added: “They get adequate light and are protected by the buildings that surround them.

“The current saplings have had almost two years of growth in this park and I’m proud to announce that we’re ready to transplant our first one to its new home in the city.”

Mr De Silva said that trees removed from the park would be replaced by new ones.

A city-owned house that stood in the area now occupied by the park was demolished due to extensive damaged caused by 2014 hurricanes Fay and Gonzalo.

Mr De Silva said that the city had adopted a new method of planting trees that trained roots to grow downwards rather than horizontally.

He added that the new system was “essential”.

Mr De Silva explained: “It reduces root upheaval in our sidewalks.

“This damage leads to tripping hazards and faults in masonry, not to mention it is costly to fix, so being able to have preventive measures in place is a win-win.”

A new sign at the park designed to highlight the nursery’s role was also unveiled.

Charles Gosling, the Mayor of Hamilton, members of the city council and staff attended the event.