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Information session on studying in the US

The U.S. Consulate General is hosting a public information session about how to study and earn a degree in the United States on Thursday, March 19 at the Bermuda EducationUSA Advising Centre. Higher education institutions in the United States currently enroll more than one million international students and about 300 students from Bermuda were enrolled in a U.S. college or university last year.EducationUSA represents the more than 4,700 accredited U.S. colleges and universities and supports their overseas recruitment of international students. EducationUSA’s services are available to students around the world, focusing on helping students find the “right fit” in an American college or university.Bermuda’s EdUSA Advising Centre is located in the Counselling and Career Centre at the Bermuda College. Due to limited seating, guests are encouraged to RSVP to HamiltonRSVP@state.gov or 441-278-7508.• Press release from the US Consulate General