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Parish council steps up in Covid-19 crisis

Patricka Ferguson, chair of the Pembroke Parish Council (file photograph)

Pembroke residents who have hit hard times because of the Covid-19 pandemic have been offered some relief by the area’s parish council.

A spokeswoman for Pembroke Parish Council said the body had set up a $6,000 pandemic relief fund to help seniors and those who had been laid off work.

Care package will include three $100 vouchers — one for a grocery store, one for Belco and one for a pharmacy.

The packets will be distributed to ten Pembroke residents over the age of 65, and ten who had lost their income.

Patricka Ferguson, the council’s chairwoman, said similar packages will likely be made available in the future.

Ms Ferguson added: “We believe it is the responsibility of the community to take care of each other during times of need.

“No matter how big or small the act, it is the nature of Bermudians to come together and assist where they can.

“The aim of the Pembroke Parish Council is no different than what we know the Bermudian culture to be — help your neighbour.”

Ms Ferguson said: “If we as a community do not invest in one another, the value of our community will diminish.”

Eligible Pembroke residents should send an e-mail to pembrokeparishcouncil@gmail.com before 5pm on May 11.

Laid off workers should provide their name, ID with their current address, a letter under a company letterhead with confirmation they had been laid off, a telephone number and an e-mail address.

Seniors should include their name, ID showing their date of birth and address, their phone number and their e-mail address.