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Human Rights Commission to reopen

Human Rights Commission logo (Image from Bermuda Government website)

The island’s human rights watchdog will reopen its doors tomorrow.

A spokeswoman said that the Human Rights Commission, which has operated on a remote basis since the last week of March, was aware that some did not have access to other ways to get in touch by phone or the internet.

She added: “An essential feature of the Commission’s service delivery is being accessible to all members of the public. With this in mind, the commission will again provide walk-in services for people with inquiries or complaints.

“To be clear, this service is for people who are unable to access the Commission by e-mail or phone.”

The spokeswoman said social distancing and other safety rules to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus would be enforced.

The office, in Milner Place, Victoria Street, Hamilton, will be open for walk-ins between 8.45am and 1pm on Mondays and Fridays and from noon to 5-m on Wednesdays.

Visitors will be required to use hand sanitiser before entry and wear a mask and temperature screening will be carried out on clients and staff.

The spokeswoman said masks would be given to people without their own.

She added: “While it is our preference that only one person at a time visits the office to submit a complaint or inquiry, it is acknowledged that circumstances may arise where it is not practical for an individual to attend alone, in which case, a follow-up appointment may be scheduled.

The Human Rights Commission can also be contacted through its website at www.humanrights.bm, by e-mail to humanrights@gov.bm or by phone at 295 5859