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Donate a hobby horse to help a child

A charity which usually gives clients a chance to interact with animals has come up with a novel way to provide its services during the Covid-19 crisis.

WindReach, in Warwick, has made 150 unique hobby horses for students who normally take part in its therapeutic and educational programmes for those with varying physical and intellectual abilities.

The charity is asking supporters to make a minimum donation of $30 to provide a hobby horse to a student, along with a plan to support the personal goals they would be working on at WindReach if it was not closed due to the pandemic.

Spokeswoman Tammalita Joseph said: “The majority of our island’s residents will adapt relatively quickly to the sudden change thrust upon us.

“However, for WindReach’s programme participants, changes in daily activities and living routines can be quite challenging.

“Like many charities, WindReach is having to look at new ways to deliver our services.

“Withdrawing services to those who need us now more than ever is not an option. What’s the solution? If we cannot bring participants to WindReach, we will just have to bring WindReach to them.”

She added: “We have 150 hobby horses with custom lesson plan packages to support our participants — and parents/guardians — over the weeks ahead.

“Representing diversity and inclusion for all, we have purposefully created the hobby horses so no two horses are alike. Our lives are as unique as our journeys. Saddle up and help us all get through this together.”

Donors can e-mail their pledges to windreach@windreach.bm. Donations will be accepted online by direct deposit or by credit card.

As donations come in, the horses will go out for kerbside delivery to go to their new homes.

All funds received will be spent on restarting the therapeutic and educational programmes once it is safe to do so.

There will be a small supply of hobby horses available to those not enrolled in WindReach’s programmes.

Anyone interested in buying a horse and a home activity packet can take advantage of a ‘Donate One, Buy One’ initiative.

Ms Joseph said: “For each horse that is donated to a WindReach participant, the donor will be eligible to purchase one hobby horse. Please know that this offer is only available while surplus supplies last. The donation and purchase must take place in the same transaction.”

Windreach is a four-acre site with an activity centre, petting zoo, therapeutic riding centre and a fully-accessible playground. It has more than 200 participants who take part in weekly programmes.

For questions about donations, Ms Joseph can be reached on tjoseph@windreach.bm.