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BZS lectures switch to Zoom

Coronavirus-related disruptions have given the Bermuda Zoological Society time to rethink its lecture series. In response to the new way of communicating with our members and the community, we are moving lectures to the Zoom platform.

The BZS have been teaching remotely for just over 2 months as our educators have managed to transform their classes to e-learning in a very short timeframe and are becoming adept at teaching via Zoom and other technologies.

The first in our series of Zoom lectures will take place on Thursday, 18th June at 7pm. It is entitled “Energy Empowerment” and presented by Stratton Hatfield, Director of Development at BE Solar. Tired of spending too much money on electricity? Looking to help Bermuda and our planet rely less on fossil fuel? Stratton will provide cost effective energy advice to reduce your energy bills, save money and help fight climate change. He will also discuss energy efficiency, solar technology, battery storage and how you can purchase reliable, high quality solar solutions.

“We recognize that a lot of people in Bermuda are looking for ways to reduce their expenses and there are low hanging opportunities associated with energy efficiency and deploying solar energy that people want to learn about,” said Stratton Hatfield. “Our team developed this presentation to help teach more people about how they can save money by reducing their energy bills which in turn helps to fight climate change by reducing the consumption of fossil fuel.”

If you are interested in watching this lecture, send an email to senior.school@bzs.bm and you will be sent a link to attend the Zoom meeting. The lecture will also be simultaneously LIVE streamed to the Bermuda Aquarium Museum & Zoo’s Facebook.

Press release from the Bermuda Zoological Society