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Q&A on Covid-19 impact signs up experts

Paediatrician Richard Fulton (File photograph)

A series of webinars to answer the public’s Covid-19-related questions is to be run by the Employment Assistance Programme.

Ask the Expert will feature specialists in medicine, law, business, finance, banking and employment.

Latisha Lister-Burgess, the EAP’s executive director, said the series would be “guided conversations” of hour long Zoom sessions where experts answered questions submitted in advance.

She added: “We started getting a lot of calls around Covid-19, around similar themes. People were wondering about finances.

“One of the questions was ‘if I have money should I be worried about the stock market right now?’ Another was ‘should I be changing my pension or should I be cashing in my pension?’

“People wanted to know if they had enough savings for a rainy day. They wanted to know about Covid-19 related vaccines. They wanted to know about their rights in a redundancy situation.”

Ms Lister-Burgess said she had also seen important Covid-19 questions posted on social media.

She added: “People were crowdsourcing answers to important questions when they should be answered by an expert.”

Ms Lister-Burgess said EAP has signed up experts in a variety of fields.

She added: “For example Shirley Nosakhere-Fountain has almost 40 years of human resource experience in international business and in other types of companies.”

Ms Nosakhere-Fountain, the vice-president at insurance firm Sompo International, will discuss employment matters on Wednesday.

Ms Lister-Burgess said: “Next up we have Michael Hanson, one of the managing partners at Carie Olsen Bermuda.

“He has specialised in commercial and employment law. If people are saying this is happening right now, is it legal, then the best person to ask is a lawyer.”

Ms Lister-Burgess said when Mr Hanson appeared on July 15, people can ask questions about whether redundancies at their job are being made in line with the law.

She added: “He might even have advice for companies on how they are handling this and making sure they are not going outside the human rights act, or the employment act.”

The webinar series is free and open to the public, but Ms Lister-Burgess said it was important to preregister with their questions to give the experts time to research if needed.

Richard Fulton, a paediatrician from Edgewood Paediatrics, will give his webinar on July 22, and HSBC branch manager Nicole Pacheco will speak about finance on July 29.

The webinars will run from noon to 1pm.

To register see www.eap.bm/webinars/ and click on ‘webinars’. For more information e-mail info@eap.bm.

Sompo International vice-president Shirley Nosakhere-Fountain (Photograph supplied)
Carie Olsen Bermuda managing partner Michael Hanson (Photograph supplied)
HSBC branch manager Nicole Pacheco (Photograph supplied)