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Tax relief extended in Hamilton

The City reminds its rate-payers - commercial and residential - that COVID-19 tax relief is on offer to those who apply and meet the criteria. The deadline for submissions has been extended to July 31st, 2020.

Relief for City taxes will be applied to the July-December tax bill for those who apply and are approved. Applicants must be in good standing with the City and have shown sound historical payment trends, for consideration.

Mayor Gosling said of the relief, “We stand accountable to our rate-payers and it is our duty to assist them, where we can, as they navigate through the phases of recovery and rebuild their businesses. The City has not been immune to the effects of the pandemic. Revenue streams have been grossly affected but we have had to re-prioritize and put measures in place to ensure that Hamilton and its stakeholders can survive this. We have slashed our 2020 Budget by approximately 4.6 million dollars and mandated an across-the-board salary pay cut in order to keep every member of staff employed with their full benefits. We are not prepared to have our level of service compromised.”

The City also extended rent relief to its tenants that lease commercial and residential City-owned properties as well as to street vendors located on City-owned property. No application is necessary, relief will be applied automatically.

The public is encouraged to visit the City’s website, www.cityofhamilton.bm to find complete details on what relief is available, who qualifies, and how to apply. Click on the link to an application form and complete it directly online or visit the reception desk at City Hall to collect a copy. Supporting documentation must be clearly labeled and attached with the online application; or included with application and submitted at reception; or emailed to temporaryrelief@cityhall.bm.

For any inquiries and more information about the tax relief application process, the public can email temporaryrelief@cityhall.bm or call 292-1234.

The City has also offered an al fresco dining option to all City restaurants with relief offered on fees associated with the initiative as well as existing al fresco. New al fresco is already evident in the City with additional installations slated for the coming weeks. Restaurants interested in an al fresco option are asked to email pcooper@cityhall.bm or call 292-1234, ext.230 to arrange a site visit.

Press release from the City of Hamilton