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Planning department sees interest to build

Walter Roban, the Deputy Premier and Minister of Home Affairs (File photograph by Blaire Simmons)

During the Covid-19 global pandemic, the Department of Planning has continued to provide key services to the public and industry stakeholders.

Statistics confirm that there was an uptick in developments presented to the Department of Planning, which indicates interest in the construction sector — and is also an indicator of the health of the economy — which positively impacts everyday life in Bermuda.

During May and June 2020, a total of 53 planning applications were received and 81 were approved (for non-residential, residential and solar projects) — resulting in a total estimated construction value of $46 million; while a total of 154 building permit applications were received and 114 building permits were issued (for non-residential, residential and solar projects) — resulting in a total estimated construction value of $68 million.

It should be noted that each application equates to multiple jobs, while building permits speak to the number of shovel ready projects.

Speaking to the efforts made to enhance the Department of Planning, Deputy Premier and Minister of Home Affairs the Hon. Walter Roban JP, MP noted: “Last year I spoke of the intent to streamline processes, and this has been achieved.

“We’ve moved from ten weeks to four to five weeks for a straightforward planning application to receive planning approval — a 50 per cent reduction!

“This can be seen in these recent results, where there are confirmed projects valued at roughly $114 million, which will support jobs as the Government stimulates the economy and gets Bermudians back to work.”

Learn more about the Department of Planning by visiting their website: www.planning.gov.bm.

*Press release issued by the Government of Bermuda.