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Extension for refrigerant handler permits

Please note that the expiry date of any refrigerant handlers’ permits that were due to expire in 2020 have now effectively been extended from 31st July to the 31st October 2020.

This will allow additional time to coordinate the proposed meetings at Bermuda College that are a prerequisite, before the refrigerant handling permits can be re-issued for the next 5-year period.

Relevant information has already been sent directly to the known contact details of the existing permitted refrigerant handlers and HVAC companies on record.

In addition, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) will notify all refrigerant handlers when the date(s) of the proposed meetings at Bermuda College are due to be arranged within the requirements of the COVID-19 regulations.

Anyone with questions or concerns regarding this process is encouraged to e-mail DENR at pollutioncontrol@gov.bm.

Press release from the Bermuda Government