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Cannabis discussion on Sunday evening

Social Justice Bermuda (SJB) is a collective of Bermudians who are inspired by the global Black Lives Matter Movement and the way that communities around the world are standing together to tackle and dismantle oppressive systems of injustice and racism.

A SJB task force was formed to address cannabis reform and to advocate for a sensible and regulated cannabis market that is based on restorative justice and empowers those who have been oppressed by historical cannabis prohibition laws.

The SJB cannabis task force is hosting a virtual “Conversation on Cannabis Legislation” that will focus on Medicinal Cannabis on Sunday September 27 at 8pm via the Social Justice Bermuda Facebook live feed.

Link: https://www.facebook.com/SocialJusticeBM

The event will be hosted by SJB members Robert Somner and Strattion Hatfield. Panelists will include Dr. Kyjuan Brown and Jennifer Lightbourne and a range of topics will be discussed including:

• What can cannabis be used as a medicine for?

• Cannabis as a medicine - pros & cons (if any)

• Cannabis strains - which types are good for what symptoms or diseases?

• Other ways of using cannabis as a medicine - tinctures, oils, edibles and waxes

• Current Cannabis availability for prescriptions

• Proposed cannabis legislation - Future availability of cannabis as a medicine

Audience members will be given an opportunity to propose questions during the 1.5 hour session and have them answered by the panelists via the Facebook live feed.

The event is intended to help educate the community about the medicinal benefits of cannabis so that we can be informed and aware. The live stream will be recorded and available online after the event is completed at 9:45pm.

We request for any further questions or clarifications to be sent to our group. Please reference Social Justice Bermuda Cannabis Reform Taskforce.

Press release from Social Justice Bermuda