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Video series highlights ‘right to know’ law

News Staff

Videos created to publicise the public’s right to know have been released by the Information Commissioner’s Office, the Acting Information Commissioner revealed today.

Answer Styannes said the “I Want to Know!” series was designed to encourage the public to use the public access to information law to get access to information.

Ms Styannes added the videos highlighted the benefits of the Pati Act, and reminded people that when they made a request they were using an important tool for accountability over public decisions that are important to them.

She said: “Each Pati request made shows that Bermudians and residents expect to be involved in, included in, and informed about public decisions which affect different aspects of their lives.

“The Pati Act empowers Bermudians and residents to influence what information public authorities make available to the public about public decisions and spending.”

Ms Styannes added: “At times, the public may find that there is a difference between the information that the government makes available and the information that the public actually want to know.

“When this happens, the Pati Act gives Bermudians and residents the power to ask public authorities for what they want to know.

“That is exactly why Pati rights are important. The power of accountability is in the hands of Bermudians and residents with every Pati request they choose to make.”

The videos are available on the ICO’s website at www.ico.bm and on its Facebook page.