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7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.: Bank of Butterfield Mile on Front Street.7.30: Primary schoolgirls 7.40: Primary schoolboys 7.50: Secondary schoolgirls 8.00: Secondary schoolboys 8.10: Local women 8.20: Local men 8.30: Celebrity race 8.50: Elite race TOMORROW 10 a.m.:

No.6 Shed on Front Street.

7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.: Bank of Butterfield Mile on Front Street.

7.30: Primary schoolgirls 7.40: Primary schoolboys 7.50: Secondary schoolgirls 8.00: Secondary schoolboys 8.10: Local women 8.20: Local men 8.30: Celebrity race 8.50: Elite race TOMORROW 10 a.m.: Bermuda 10K and Fitness Walk starts from National Stadium.

10 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Final registration for marathon and half marathon at National Stadium.

From 10.28 a.m.: Finish of Bermuda 10K and Fitness Walk at National Stadium.

SUNDAY 7 a .m.: Early start of marathon for members of the Leukemia Society of America from Front Street West.

9 a.m.: Start of marathon and half-marathon from Front Street West.

From 10 a.m.: Finish of half-marathon on Front Street.

From 12.15 a.m.: Finish of marathon on Front Street.

6 p.m.: Gala Awards ceremony at Number One shed on Front Street.RACE ROUTES TOMORROW Bermuda 10K Start time: 10 a.m.

Where: Outside National Stadium at the junction of Frog Lane and Montpelier Road.

Route: Montpelier Road to Middle Road; left (east) on Middle Road to Flatts Hill; left through Flatts Village, west along North Shore Road; left to Palmetto Road; left to Frog Lane to southeast gate (number six) of National Stadium. Runners enter track for finish.

SUNDAY Bermuda Marathon and Half-Marathon Start time: 9 a.m.

Where: Front Street West at Barr's Bay Park outside the Bermudiana Hotel.

Route: East along Front Street and East Broadway to Trimingham's Road, continuing to South Road. East (left) on to South Road and continuing through parishes of Paget, Devonshire and Smith's to Devil's Hole Hill. North on Devil's Hole Hill to Harrington Sound, turning west (left) on to Harrington Sound Road to Flatts. West on North Shore Road to St. John's Road at Admiralty House. Turn east (left) on St. John's Road, bearing right at Cox's Hill to Pitt's Bay Road and continuing on to Front Street, Hamilton.

Finish: Half-Marathon finishes on Front Street opposite Number One Shed.

Marathon continues for a second loop of the same course, finishing on Front Street opposite Number Six Shed.