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Premier is backing PGA event

Premier Ewart Brown believes the decision to hold the PGA Grand Slam of Golf outside the US for the first time has been justified with tickets doubling from last year’s sales.

The much-anticipated tournament will be hosted at Bermuda’s Mid Ocean Club from October 16 to 17, with 2007 US Open Champion winner Angel “the duck” Cabrera already confirmed.

Dr Brown said the rise in ticket sales and early hotel bookings were clear indicators that holding the event in Bermuda was a positive move.

“Bermuda’s golf courses are stunningly beautiful and uniquely challenging,” he said. “In October the world will see what we’ve known all along — Bermuda is an unmatched golfers’ paradise.”

Cabrera, who became the second first-time qualifier into The PGA Grand Slam of Golf last month, will join fellow first-time qualifier Masters Champion Zach Johnson in the elite foursome.

The remaining two spots will be determined at the British Open at Carnoustie, Scotland, and the 89th PGA Championship at Southern Hills Country Club in Tulsa, Okla.

David Charles, director of the PGA Grand Slam of Golf, said: “We are pleased with the excitement and energy the PGA Grand Slam of Golf is creating in Bermuda.

“If ticket sales are any indication, it’s clear that there are many golf enthusiasts on the Island who are looking forward to experiencing the toughest tournament in the world to qualify for.”