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Bermuda pro Phillips looking for another team

BERMUDA'S only basketball pro Sullivan Phillips is eyeing another move next season after venting frustration about limited playing time at his new Cyprus team.

Phillips, who has played in England, Hungary and the Czech Republic is now at Pizza Express Primetel Apollon in the Cyprus National Basketball League.

Asked about his new team he told the Mid-Ocean News: "It's OK but it could be a lot better. I have never played with this many Americans before on one team," said Phillips, who was born in the US.

"Usually you have more Europeans and there is a lot more shots and a lot more play and a lot more asked of you.

"But here it's the total opposite. But on the flip side if you don't have a good game there is someone there as good as you who can play."

Phillips is now constricted to playing defence because others are seen as better scorers. "But that's the thing with a team. You can't always be in the position you were in before."

But it's not a situation Phillips is prepared to put up with for another season.

"I will definitely be looking to go elsewhere. It's been good to broaden my experience but the adjustment was not what I was looking for at this juncture in my career at my age," said the 29-year-old.

"If I am not playing for some very big team in this role it is definitely not what I am looking for but we will see what happens."

Phillips, whose basketball career has become a rolling tour of Europe, doesn't have any preferences where he goes next – it's more about finding the right role.

"My next move has to be somewhere I have a primary role. I prefer the pressure of having to do rather than sit back and wait, then do.

"Last year I played in the Czech Republic – the pressure was directly on me and the other guy – this is good. You can achieve minutes and shots. Here you may play 30 minutes, you may play ten minutes, you never know."

His team lie about sixth place in the league with a 3-3 record on the season.

"We have played some of the top teams and have definitely fared very well, we will definitely be a good team to reckon with. But we have got to win.

"The people and the culture are cool. I am very surprised with our fans because the team's record was horrific last year but they are great."

Sullivan practices twice a day – once in the morning, once in the evening, with a weights session in between.

"Playing in Cyprus is like Bermuda – it's damp because we are so close to the water and it can be cool in the evenings but it is pretty much the same type of weather."

Sullivan, who plays for the Bermuda national team, is also looking forward to the Island Games this coming summer.

"Hopefully Bermuda puts in a team. I am interested to see what the association has lined up for basketball. I am hearing mixed messages, that there may not be a team put in.

"As the lone professional I think that would be absolutely horrific, a waste of organisation because it's a winning entity."

In recent years Bermuda has won gold, silver and bronze.

"Everything is up in the air. It's this secretive thing, no one knows what is going on."

Phillips said he backed the plan to go to the Caribbean Championship but not if it comes at the expense of the Island Games.

"That's excellent, we should go to the Caribbean but the amount of money this country makes going to both shouldn't be a problem. Who else has won a gold medal in the last 34 years besides the Pan Am Games, like a silver medal?

"The association should be able to get the cash to do both. No disrespect but all the money which is given to other programmes – other than cricket – who has ever qualified for anything worthwhile?

"That's no disrespect for anyone. I played football for the national team at the lower level but every time the Bermuda basketball team goes to the Island Games we come back with a medal.

"It is a winning programme so why wouldn't they support it? As the only professional that is something I look forward to – representing my country. I am proud of Bermuda, I wasn't born there but that is where I grew up."