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Best backs young striker

Dandy Town striker Khano Smith yesterday received a ringing endorsement from former West Ham poacher Clyde (Bunny) Best.

Best, who previously helped pave the way for black professional footballers in the UK during his heyday in the late 1960s and early 70s, yesterday backed Smith to the core.

Smith departs the Island today to link up with Major League Soccer (MLS) side New England Revolution who will embark on a four-match tour of Ecuador tomorrow.

?I think it?s wonderful and a great opportunity. Khano has always been a big striker and very forceful and this is a wonderful opportunity for a very decent young fellow who has a good family that backs him. And I?m very happy for him,? Best told .

The former Hammer, who netted 47 goals for the London club in 178 matches between 1969 and 1975, also played an important role in affording Smith another shot at playing in the big leagues.

?We knew they (Revolution) were interested,? he divulged. ?And I?m very glad that we (tour organisers Setplay) had a part to play in affording Khano the opportunity.?

Best then showered the Hornets striker with words of encouragement.

?All I can say to Khano is to give it the best shot and do whatever it takes,? he urged. ?I hope he takes the opportunity and does the best he can and remains there as a professional because this is the sort of stuff I think we need.

?It?s important we have as many players as possible playing at the professional level to be able to compete with everybody else. And if he can play to his full potential then I think he will be alright because I have always believed in his ability ever since his younger days playing at the national youth levels.?