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Board back coach Logie

Bermuda Cricket Board have given their strongest indication yet that they intend to back Gus Logie?s recommendation to remove some of the Island?s leading bowlers from Cup Match.

In a carefully worded statement released to last night, the BCB said they had yet to hold a meeting of the executive committee to formally discuss the matter and had therefore reached no official decision.

But they did admit their trust in the national coach?s judgement remained very strong and that they were prepared to back him to the hilt as he seeks to prepare the side for World Cup next year.

Logie said last week he would like to see his main strike bowlers rested for Cup Match, given his desire to have them fresh and firing on all cylinders when they fly to Canada the very next day (August 5) for a long and important tour.

He will also request that his leading all-rounders, including possibly Saleem Mukuddem and Lionel Cann, only be available to bat if selected to play in the summer Classic.

The Trinidadian was at pains to point out that he had the utmost respect for Cup Match, but was paid to look after his national team players to the best of his ability and to make sure they were in the requisite condition to perform at an international level.

?With respect to commentary in the media and the public regarding the status of the national team members and their availability to play in Cup Match, the Bermuda Cricket Board would like to confirm that this matter has not been formally tabled or discussed at a meeting of the Executive Committee,? the BCB statement read.

?In addition, the executive committee have not discussed this matter with the national team coach or the selection committee and it would therefore be inappropriate to comment directly on this matter until such time as this has been done.

?The Bermuda Cricket Board would, however, like to confirm that we have the utmost confidence in the ability of both the national team coach and the selection committee and we fully support the coach and respect his judgement when it comes to determining what is in the best interests of the Bermuda national team.

?At the appropriate time, this matter will be discussed with the coach and the selection committee and, if necessary, a formal announcement will then be made.?

The BCB had been reluctant to formally comment on the matter up to last night, with president Reggie Pearman issuing a ?no comment? when pressed on the matter on Wednesday.

But the statement?s eventual release comes hard on the heels of Sports Minister Dale Butler?s wholehearted endorsement of Logie, arguing that those who objected to the policy were not speaking with the best interests of the country at heart.

?We seem to have a problem understanding what our priorities should be,? he said.

?It?s an automatic thing in many other countries for the interests of the country to come first ? but this is not the case in Bermuda for some reason . . . we have got to trust the coach.?

Earlier this week, former cricketers Dennis Wainwright and Cal (Bummy) Symonds suggested that with Cup Match ending on August 4 and the first international game in Canada not starting until August 9, the players would have more than enough time to recover from their Cup Match exertions.

The game could also be used as a competitive warm-up for the trip, they insisted.

?These players will have 72 hours to rest and so I don?t really see any reason why they should not play,? said Symonds, who is the most successful skipper in Cup Match history.

?I think it?s very important we uphold our traditions and heritage and Cup Match is one of our traditions.?

Others took the opposite view, however, most notably Clarence Parfitt ? still generally regarded as the best bowler Bermuda has ever produced.

?People have to realise that if we want our cricket to go ahead ? like everybody is crying out for ? then sacrifices will have to be made such as putting country ahead of club,? he said.

Until the 14-man squad is announced, it is difficult to know for certain which seam bowlers could be affected.

The likely candidates include Kevin Hurdle, Ryan Steede, George O?Brien Jr and Stefan Kelly.

St. George?s Cup Match selector Lewis Foggo has already confirmed that the East End club will grudgingly accept Logie?s wishes.

His counterpart at Somerset, Mark Trott ,was involved in a meeting at the club last night and said he would be in a position to comment some time today.