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British MP hails Goater in Parliament

Reading East MP Jane Griffiths

Shaun Goater?s name has often echoed around soccer grounds but it may soon resound around Britain?s Houses of Parliament after his local MP called for him to be officially congratulated on his MBE.

Goater, who plays for First Division Reading, received the honour from the Queen last week and on Monday, Jane Griffiths, Member of Parliament for Reading East, tabled what is called an Early Day Motion (EDM) in the House.

Labour Party MP Griffiths suggested ?that this House congratulates Reading striker Shaun Goater on his award of an MBE; applauds his contribution to Reading reaching fifth in Division One; further applauds his commitment to children and sport on his home island of Bermuda, where he returns every summer to conduct soccer schools; concurs completely with the oft-expressed sentiment of Reading FC supporters, ?Feed the Goat and he will score?; and wishes Shaun Goater and the rest of Reading FC the best of luck for the rest of the season?.

Ms Griffiths was unavailable for comment last night.

An Early Day Motion, or EDM, is the term used to describe notices of motions given by Members that are not generally expected to be debated. Effectively, the tabling of an EDM is a device to draw attention to an issue, and to elicit support for it by the means of inviting other Members to add their signatures to the motion. Members may also table amendments to existing motions.