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Clarence winning upHill battle

clarence hill and son.��photo by tamell
Often people are reminded that all things are attainable through Christ.Clarence Hill, Bermuda?s sole Olympic medallist, is living proof of such following a conscious decision to surrender his life to his personal saviour.Given a new outlook on life, and a fresh start, Hill continues to wage a personal battle outside of the ring to free himself from a past littered with trials and tribulations and a long-time bout with drugs.

Often people are reminded that all things are attainable through Christ.

Clarence Hill, Bermuda?s sole Olympic medallist, is living proof of such following a conscious decision to surrender his life to his personal saviour.

Given a new outlook on life, and a fresh start, Hill continues to wage a personal battle outside of the ring to free himself from a past littered with trials and tribulations and a long-time bout with drugs.

And although there are many who still condemn Hill for his reckless past, gradually, he appears to be winning the war and heading in the right direction.

?People have to understand the past is the past,? said the former heavy-weight pugilist.

?Many people have come out with a scarred life and changed for the better. Don?t judge me on what I have done in the past . . . judge me now in the future because my life has changed. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal saviour and he is guiding my life today.?

Through divine intervention, Hill is now pursuing an ambitious life-long dream ? launching a summer boxing camp along with son Jahma Gibbons.

?I?ve talked about having a boxing gym in the past to different people but nothing ever materialised,? said Hill.

?Now this has come about with my son having a summer day camp and it?s a great idea to try and implement because there are a lot of kids out there who want to learn how to fight.

?Since I don?t have a gym myself, a summer day camp would be an ideal thing to try to see who is really interested in boxing. From there they can go further on because they will receive discipline, behaviour structure, education and health. All these things come through boxing.

?I think a lot of kids will want to follow in those footsteps because it?s a positive move and today most kids want to do something positive. Not too many kids out there really want to be violent. Most kids want to be on the good side of life and all they need is instructions to guide them on the right path in life.?

In light of his past struggles, Hill is confident plans will come to fruition.

?I was never in trouble (with the law) for anything to do with bothering kids,? he said. ?I love kids and I have a son myself. I want to teach kids in Bermuda how to box because there are a lot of them out there who are just sitting around doing nothing who would like to learn how to do something positive. And with the skills that I have why not give back to the community.?

Not only did Hill encounter hardships in life, but son Gibbons, 28, has also endured his share of battles at a time when his father grabbed the headlines for all the wrong reasons.

?I used to get teased and had to read things in the newspaper and see him on the street the way he was,? he painfully recalled.

?I have been through a lot of things because I didn?t have that male guidance in my life.

?But I had to find that forgiveness because he was never there throughout my whole life. My daddy has always been around but he has never been a father to me and I had to find the forgiveness in me to get past that to be here today trying to start a camp with him.

?That?s all signs of forgiveness on my part and if there?s anybody who should have had any problems then it should have been me. If I forgive him for not being a father for 28 years, then I don?t see why anybody else can?t forgive him. The gateway to heaven is forgiveness and if you can?t forgive people then how do you expect to get in.?

What has ensued between Hill and son since, is a long overdue bonding.

?It feels good today because I didn?t have a father for many years,? Gibbons added. ?I am now a father myself and so he has missed a lot of the growing up years and things you can never get back. But him making a change now is better than not making a change at all.

?If I took that tone of thought then how do I expect to ever prosper in my life because he is my father regardless. Through forgiveness all things are possible.?

The father and son team have plans to conduct a summer boxing camp for kids ages nine to 15 at venue yet to be determined. The camp, which will run Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., consists of training, swimming, field trips and actual tournaments with prizes to be awarded for the respective winners.

Anyone interested in registering is asked to call: 747-4291 or 296-6126.

Both Hill and son are currently enrolled in a medical course which will certify them to administer first aid should the need arise, given the physical nature of the sport of boxing.

Hill added: ?Sometimes in life we falter. But once you can pick your head up and start to do something positive with your life then people take notice. The Bible tells you is not a sin to fall down. The sin is falling down and not picking yourself back up. And through the grace of God I?ve got back up and now it?s time to do the things I always wanted to do positively in my life.

?And if I can help two or three people?s lives. . . then that?s success. And with God on my side today how can I go wrong??