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Cricket Board on the move

Bermuda Cricket Board will be moving away from their traditional Cedar Avenue home as part of an overhaul of the sport?s administration in light of their qualification for the 2007 World Cup.

The BCB, who currently share facilities with Bermuda Football Association, will be moving to Gorham Road in February, creating new space for additional staff as well more room to push their new cricketing merchandise in an attempt to cash in on the cricket frenzy that has swept the Island since the summer qualification for the showpiece event in the West Indies.

The latest plans were revealed by Sports Minister Dale Butler in the House of Assembly on Friday, briefing fellow politicians on the progress being made by the BCB as part of their revamp after receiving $11 million in funding over the next five years from Government.

?The BCB presented a comprehensive four-year development programme to Government, designed to raise the level of cricket development in Bermuda and to ensure that Bermuda is well positioned to achieve success in cricket both in 2007 and the subsequent ICC World Cup qualifying competition in 2009,? said Butler, who has been a lively supporter of the cricket team in a series of rousing speeches throughout the Island?s most successful cricketing summer.

?Aligned with these goals is the importance of developing our local cricket infrastructure to meet the requirements to produce quality cricketers for the future.

?Since Government?s announcement and commitment of funding over the next four years, the Bermuda Cricket Board has been aggressively and vigorously putting into place the infrastructure to support this initiative, and this report will signal our intentions to keep this Honourable House informed of our collective progress towards these lofty and important goals.?

He then outlined some of the new developments that the BCB had put to affiliates at a meeting late last month, including;

The creation of a Cricket Academy Director position;

Moving to the Gorham Road office;

Developing a marketing and communications plan;

Commencement of staff and player development programmes, including drafting player contracts; and

Identifying overseas coaching clinics.

He also mentioned the provisional tournament plan for 2006 ? which includes as many as six trips abroad including three trips to Africa and at least two to Canada as well as journeys down to the Caribbean ? and ?pursuing educational scholarships for talented young cricketers?.

?The BCB recognises the onerous responsibilities of the management of developmental plans and have set about to partner with others to ensure that best practice methods are implemented in an effort to raise cricket to the heights necessary for Bermuda to continue to achieve success,? continued the Minister, who last month had called for an end to ?public scraps? after a spate of criticism of the BCB in the media by disaffected former players and administrators.

?I am pleased to present this progress report. I intend to keep the House informed of all developments, because this effort is not only a Bermuda Cricket Board effort, but calls for the total support of all its affiliate partners, the Government, and the community.?