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Dangerous? Not at all, insists Patrick

Patrick Singleton scoffs at the suggestion that flinging yourself headfirst down an icy slope is in any way dangerous.

In fact, the Bermuda skeleton racer, who has switched from the feet-first luge, says it is more dangerous for him out on the street.

?The thing I like about skeleton is it?s actually a lot safer,? he said. ?It?s not as painful as luge. The centre of gravity is actually lower. The skeleton is heavier than the luge and it doesn?t respond as quickly as a luge. A luge is like a Formula One car and a skeleton is more of a road car, per se. It doesn?t move as quickly from side to side so it?s more predictable. That has its disadvantages because you can?t do as much with it, it just kind of goes.

?The luge, you can drive it up or down and can do a lot of great things with it, but, at the same time, if you get yourself into trouble it can go terribly wrong. You never really find yourself in a dangerous situation with the skeleton.?

Without seeking to tempt fate, Singleton says he has managed to escape any kind of track injury, so far.

?I have two seasons under my belt and I have never come close to crashing the skeleton ? in the luge you crash it once a day. It?s like night and day when it comes to safety,? said Singleton, adding, as if to illustrate his confidence in his new sport: ?In fact, I slipped and broke my shoulder last year just walking down the road. I think there is more danger of slipping over on the ice than anything else.?