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Eagles in fight for survival

North Village can send Somerset Eagles tumbling down to the First Division along with already relegated Southampton Rangers at White Hill Field tomorrow.

Following a 2-1 loss to Boulevard two weeks? ago, Rangers were condemned to playing 12.30 p.m. football next season, and it now remains to be seen who will join them as Eagles still stand a fighting chance of avoiding the drop.

Eagles presently trail sixth-placed Somerset Trojans by five points with three matches remaining in the season, though their neighbours have a superior goal difference of minus two.

Trojans are away to league title contenders PHC Zebras at Southampton Oval tomorrow where victory over Zebras coupled by a Village win over Eagles would effectively seal the latter?s Premier Division fate.

However, the Reds? task is not an easy one coming up against an Eagles side who have escaped relegation by a whisker twice in the past two seasons. An Eagles win coupled by Boulevard and Trojans losses would really stir the pot in terms of relegation as Blazers, Trojans and Village have yet to assure themselves top flight football next season.

At the opposite end of the table, the three-way race for the Premier Division championship between leaders Dandy Town, Devonshire Cougars and PHC is expected to intensify.

Hornets, who four seasons ago rubbed salt into the wound of already relegated Rangers with a 5-0 thrashing at Southampton Oval, are poised to repeat the dirty deed tomorrow at St.John?s Field.

However, Town are also wary of the last time Rangers visited St.John?s Field and sneaked away with a shock win that put the urban club?s championship celebrations on ice late last season.

Town were held to 2-2 draw against close rivals Cougars on Monday night to keep things tight at the top with 270 minutes of football remaining in the league campaign.

Apart from striker Khano Smith, currently on trials with Major League Soccer (MLS) side New England Revolution in Ecuador, Hornets will be at full strength tomorrow.

Cougars, who trail leaders Hornets by a single point, host Boulevard at the Den.

In the First Division, leaders Ireland Rangers and Devonshire Colts can take another giant step towards gaining promotion tomorrow ? though the race for the league championship remains wide open.

Rangers are away to rejuvenated X Roads Warriors at Garrison Field while Colts travel to White Hill Field to take on Paget.

However, it?s now crunch time for the likes of Prospect, St.David?s and St.George?s none of whom can afford any further slip-ups at this stage of the season if they are to stand any chance of gaining promotion to the top flight.

Prospect are away to Hamilton Parish at Lords in the first match of a double header while St.David?s host Wolves at the same venue and Social Club welcome St.George?s to the smaller confines at Bernard Park.