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Fight judge hits back at sore loser

Boxing judge Vic Richmond defended his decision to award Saturday?s pro bout to Teresa Perozzi despite the venomous criticism of loser Elizabeth Kerin and her corner.

Perozzi was awarded a points decision that the Fight Night crowd loved and boxing purists agreed with, but Kerin was convinced a conspiracy ?hometown decision? was given against her.

?Does this guy even know how to score properly,? ranted Kerin.

?It is ridiculous. You could hear when the announcer read it that he didn?t believe it either. If they gave her every round, which I can?t believe they would, the score would have been 40-36, any more than that is impossible without knockdowns or offences ? but even then the referee has to make it clear the point is being deducted by showing the boxer to each judge.

?I can?t believe this. It is an absolute disgrace, these people are either incompetent or are cheats.?

Richmond clarified that the 40-30 score read out as his was incorrect. The fight was originally announced as 40-37, 40-36, 40-30 in the Bermudian?s favour but Richmond pointed out that his score, the final one, was actually 40-36, something that was explained to Kerin even before she began her tirade.

The experienced judge was quick to explain that he scored the fight 40-36, giving Perozzi the first, third and fourth rounds and scoring the second a tie ? but the knockdown in the first gave Perozzi a 10-8 win in that round.

?When the announcer read out the score, he missed the loop on the six and thought it was a zero,? said Richmond, who has judged ten pro fights in his 37 years involved in boxing.

?This was pointed out to Elizabeth so it was surprising to see her comments in yesterday?s paper.

?I stand by my decision. Teresa was the clear winner in the fight and even though it was unfortunate that the score was announced incorrectly, it was still correct to award her the fight.?

And Richmond was also quick to respond to allegations that the win was a ?hometown decision? pointing out that, along with Clevelyn Critchlow, he awarded a victory to Puerto Rican Monica Nunez when she fought Perozzi here last year.

?We judged against Teresa last year so to say this was a hometown decision is not right,? added Richmond.

?That was a closer decision but Saturday?s fight was quite a convincing win from the judges? point of view.?

Perozzi comfortably out-boxed her taller opponent, ninth in the latest world rankings, even knocking her to the floor in the first round with a right-left combination, in a confident and pow erful performance.

The 31-year-old has clearly improved since her last outing against fourth-ranked Nunez last year at CedarBridge, ducking and weaving with more purpose and landing a higher percentage of blows.

Perozzi is now considering entering the tough world of Las Vegas boxing, where all-female cards now take place on a weekly basis.