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Goater gets Games go-ahead

Shaun Goater has been confirmed as Bermuda's attach? for the forthcoming Commonwealth Games in Manchester, England.

The event takes place in July and Goater was the obvious choice because of his ties both to Manchester, where he plays his football with Manchester City, and his native Bermuda.

Goater had to get permission from his club, who will be away on a pre-season tour at the same as the Games, before he was able to accept the position.

The announcement has made news in England with Bermuda Olympic Association president John Hoskins telling the Manchester Evening News yesterday: "Shaun will be a great ambassador. He has local knowledge of Manchester and is well known there."

Phil Guishard, chef de mission for the Bermuda team, described Goater as "one of our most successful sons".

"Football is just as popular in Bermuda as it is in Britain so everyone is aware of Shaun's exploits," he said.

"The role of attach? recognises his stature in this country and in England. With the Games taking place in Manchester he was the obvious choice."

Goater himself added: "This is a great honour and I'm looking forward to watching the Bermuda team compete."