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Goater no longer wanted, admits Coppell

Reading boss Steve Coppell has taken another giant step in his push to get Shaun Goater off the club?s wage bill with further barbed public comments.

Goater?s stay at the Madejski Stadium is turning increasingly sour with his failure to appear for the first team so far in 2005 becoming an increasing source of comment for the team?s management.

Although the Bermudian striker is remaining professional and refusing to be drawn into a war of words, Coppell and assistant Kevin Dillon seem to have no such problem.

The sticking point is the ?50,000 the club will have to pay Manchester City if Goater makes one more appearance for the club, something that appears will now not happen.

The payment kicks in if Goater makes 50 appearances, part of the terms of the deal that brought him from Maine Road to the Royals for ?500,000 in the summer of 2003.

?I?ve told Shaun I don?t think he?s the future of this club so I won?t pay it,? Coppell told the club?s official website.

?It?s a bit of a stand-off although it?s not confrontational.

?It?s an unfortunate fact of the transfer that if he plays one more game, we have to pay another ?50,000. I?ve said to Shaun that I don?t think he?s the future of this club, so I don?t want to play him.

?It?s a waste. He doesn?t want to go on loan anywhere and he?s not doing anything here so it?s a shame really. I like pace and power up front, it?s the way I prefer my forwards to be.?

Just last week, Coppell?s assistant Dillon made similar comments.

?The fee is irrelevant,?? said Dillon. ?People talk about it but if he was doing well and scoring goals he would be in the team. We?re challenging to get into the Premiership so if Shaun had been pushing to get into the team it wouldn?t be an issue.?

Reading fans seemed to have mixed feelings on the subject, although it has taken up plenty of column inches on Internet forums.

Even those who don?t rate Goater as a player describe him as a ?nice guy? and think he has been a little hard done by while one fan suggested taking a collection in the stands to raise the ?50,000 themselves so the 34-year-old frontman could play.

Goater has suffered a difficult season, starting just two league games and one League Cup encounter. Other than that he has been confined to mostly short cameos from the bench and run-outs for the reserves, and hasn?t featured so far this calendar year for the first team.

Despite finishing topscorer last term, he is well down Coppell?s pecking order, particularly with the signing of veteran Les Ferdinand.

Goater was unavailable for comment last night and has consistently refused to be drawn into any controversy on the issue, instead choosing to constantly re-affirm his commitment to the club.