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Goater?s men look to stretch win streak

Shaun Goater is hoping today?s visit to Rotherham will give Reading a third consecutive win ? and boost their play-off chances.

The Bermudian frontman has bagged four goals in five games, including a brace against Derby last weekend to take him past 200 league strikes.

Goater, who will be the first to admit he hasn?t made the impact he had hoped since his ?500,000 summer switch from City, believes the Royals are ready to step up to the next level.

?I feel that with 16 or 17 games to go it?s time to up the play,? he said this week ahead of a return to Millmoor, the ground where he first made his name after a spell with Manchester United?s juniors.

?With the players we?ve got it will be our own fault if we don?t achieve the play-offs. I think we?re one of the fittest teams in this division and we?ve got really good ability.?

Following two victories against Forest and the Rams, confidence is on the up again for Steve Coppell?s men and Goater believes that a couple more wins would raise the bar even further.

?We need to put a run together and wins create confidence. If we picked up three wins, even battling ones like at Forest, we?d be playing like Brazil!

?Winning gives you that confidence and before you know it you?re passing the ball well and scoring.?

And on a personal level, the 6ft 1in frontman is happy that all talk of the switch to Joe Royle?s Ipswich is firmly behind him.

?Well, the statement I made two weeks ago saying I wanted to stay was firm,? he said. ?I?m happy to stay and continue the job. I haven?t performed to the level I wanted and I?m well aware of that.?

Today?s trip to take on Ronnie Moore?s men will be an intriguing clash for Goater, who has always had a mixed reception at the ground despite his 70 goals for the side as he started out his career in England.

?Hopefully we can take the performance from the Derby game to my old club Rotherham,? added Goater, who failed to score in either league clash with Rotherham while with Manchester City.

?There will be a few familiar faces when we go back there and I am looking forward to catching up with a few friends.

?Last time I was there, one or two people cheered and one or two people booed, but that is how it is in football. I take the booing as a compliment and the cheers are clearly from people who appreciate what I did in my time there.?