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Hawaii sad to lose Slam

The golf director at the Grand Slam of Golf?s Hawaiian home for the last 12 years has admitted he is ?very disappointed? to lose the event, writes Sam Stevens.

Craig Sasada said yesterday that the island of Kauai and the Poipu Bay Golf Club had been very keen to hold on to the tournament for a 13th year, but said he ?respected? the PGA of America?s decision to pick an alternative venue.

?Obviously we?re disappointed ? we?ve had 12 wonderful years and we wanted it to continue,? he said.

?The news is definitely a blow to the island as well because it was a major event and generated a large amount of revenue. Plus the exposure it gave the island on television was absolutely fantastic.

?We went through a period of negotiation with the PGA of America, but with the decision to move the event forward in the schedule from November to October, there were a huge number of logistical issues involved and they obviously decided it was a good opportunity to take it somewhere else.

?We?re not complaining though. The PGA of America have been very courteous and professional in their dealings with us and I wish Bermuda the best of luck hosting it ? I might even be forced to get on a plane and come watch!

?But we?re extremely lucky to have been able to host the event for 12 wonderful years and I?m sure Bermuda will do an excellent job as well.?