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Jay vows to keep on running

Come next May 24, Jay Donawa will be in the Marathon Derby.The ace athlete has reconsidered his initial announcement to quit road-running following what he termed ?negativity from the public? in the wake of his seventh successive runner-up placing in the landmark race.

Come next May 24, Jay Donawa will be in the Marathon Derby.

The ace athlete has reconsidered his initial announcement to quit road-running following what he termed ?negativity from the public? in the wake of his seventh successive runner-up placing in the landmark race.

?After everything that transpired I was obviously disappointed. I was frustrated with the negativity that I had to endure but as time went on I got over it and I can honestly say I?m completely over that and I?m moving on with my life,? said Donawa, confirming his change of heart.

?I?m going to continue to compete and try to do so to the best of my ability. I?m not going to let anybody?s comments dictate how my career goes from here on.?

The veteran competitor tearfully ?retired? after crossing the finish line at the National Sports Centre in this year?s May 24 half-marathon, declaring that he could no longer put up with gibes from spectators along the route regarding the fact that he has not yet won the Island?s feature event.

Ironically, it?s support from the same public that?s helped trigger the 32-year-old?s decision to continue his athletics career.

?Every day I?ve had people come up to me and give me encouraging words and I received a lot of letters from kids from various primary schools, expressing their well wishes and saying they looked up to me. That was really very touching,? he revealed.

?I?m very appreciative of all the public support. It?s been great.?

Donawa?s greatest inspiration, though, has come from his two young sons who begged him not to stop running, particularly the Marathon Derby which he dearly wants to conquer.

?It would be nice to win because I have so many people who have supported me and that support has been even greater since this year?s race. So many people have expressed their well wishes and concern and they?ve said they want to see me out there and I appreciate that,? he said, stressing however that he would not allow it to become an obsession.

?I?ve had so many great things happen in my life that have come so easily and this is the one event in my sporting career that is taking a little longer than I had anticipated.

?Nonetheless, I feel it?s well within my capabilities but it?s not the defining factor. If my career ended today I?d be a disappointed that I didn?t win May 24 but it?s not the driving factor because I know I?ve accomplished so many other things which people in Bermuda have no real appreciation for because here they only pay attention to May 24,? he reasoned.

?Outside of that many people don?t take a general interest in athletics overseas. I?ve been All American in college and achieved a lot of things which, in my opinion, surpass winning May 24 but because I haven?t done that I don?t get any recognition.?

Donawa, who had a well-timed break from running immediately after May 24 to undergo surgery on his left foot, agreed stepping back from the athletic environment helped him to clear his mind and reflect seriously.

?This whole time away from the athletic arena was good for me. I didn?t really think about running too much but you should see me back out there soon,? promised the fireman who was thrown right back into the thick of his job with the Belco blaze shortly after returning to work from his lengthy recovery.

As for the foot problem, he assured that has healed just as well as his bruised, post-May 24 feelings.

?The trouble with my foot turned out to be Morton?s neuroma which was inflammation of the nerve in my foot,? he disclosed.

?It was a persistent problem which was giving me a lot of pain and burning. I couldn?t understand what was wrong. Even during May 24 ? like the last six miles or so ? it really bothered me.

?Nothing is more frustrating than having pain and not knowing the origin of it so I?m glad that?s been dealt with.?