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Logie casts doubt on long-term future

Gus Logie

National cricket coach Gus Logie spoke for the first time yesterday about his future after the upcoming World Cup, hinting that he could decide to abandon ship if the attitude of some of the players didn?t improve.

Asked bluntly whether his coaching career would continue in Bermuda and whether it depended solely on the commitment of his players, he said: ?At the end of the day it does,? he said.

?I think about it (my future) all of the time. I made a commitment to be with Bermuda cricket as long as possible, I?ve signed a contract until 2009 but I don?t know what?s going to happen between then and now.

?Will there be international cricket in Bermuda? I speak to some of the players to see if they?re prepared to make a commitment after the World Cup, and I don?t know.

?Some of them have indicated yes, some of them have indicated no, and the response of the players back home has not always been encouraging.

?So that is another issue, whether we?ll have players willing to represent the national agenda. For the next four years, Bermuda has ODI (One-Day International) status so obviously there are opportunities for players, and if the players are committed then we?ll see.? Meanwhile, with the start of the World Cup just over a month away, Logie said yesterday he was ?99 nine percent sure? of the players who would represent Bermuda in the game?s most spectacular showpiece. The final squad of 15 has to be named next week, and Logie hinted there would be no surprises.

?I think we?re 99 percent sure of our team,? he said.

?The good thing about this tour is that all of the players are leaving as fit and as healthy as when they came, maybe even fitter.

?We don?t have any injuries. This is the first time, I believe, we?ve had a tour when nobody got injured. So we had to choose from 15 all of the time, and that was good for us.

?It?s no secret that back home we have two players (OJ Pitcher and Ryan Steede) who have been injured, and are working their way back to fitness. I think OJ Pitcher will be the one closest to getting in, but we?ll have to wait and see.?