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No grand Finn-ish

Bermuda crashed 3-0 to Finland in yesterday's action at the Mens World Squash Championships in Vienna, Austria.

The match, a play-off for 25th through 28th place, ended without the team of Nick Kyme, James Stout and Sam Stevens winning a game.

Stevens was first on and lost 9-1, 9-2, 9-1 against Matias Tuomi in 25 minutes.

Kyme was on next against world No.30 Olli Tuominen, losing 9-2, 9-0, 9-7 in just over 30 minutes.

Those results meant Stout's match against Juha Raumonin was a dead rubber. As a result they played a best of three tie, the Finn winning 9-4, 9-5.

Bermuda will now play-off for 27th or 28th place against Korea today.