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O? Brien left out of squad

George O?Brien Jr. is paying for his disciplinary sins ? but he can redeem himself.Despite his glaring omission from a 30-member training squad ? picked pre-Cup Match to prepare for the 2007 Cricket World Cup and various engagements in the build-up ? national coach Gus Logie says the promising fast bowler could come into reckoning in time for the cricketing spectacle in the West Indies once he shows marked improvement in his behaviour.

George O?Brien Jr. is paying for his disciplinary sins ? but he can redeem himself.

Despite his glaring omission from a 30-member training squad ? picked pre-Cup Match to prepare for the 2007 Cricket World Cup and various engagements in the build-up ? national coach Gus Logie says the promising fast bowler could come into reckoning in time for the cricketing spectacle in the West Indies once he shows marked improvement in his behaviour.

Disclosing he has taken the 20-year-old aside and talked to him, the former West Indies Test player observed O?Brien may have started the process of atoning for past transgressions with a televised apology last week for his shocking Cup Match bust-up with opposing batsman Stephen Outerbridge.

The St. George?s colt, who celebrated a match haul of 11 Somerset wickets for 120 runs en route to his club?s victory, punched Outerbridge on the jaw when the latter spat at him after being caught off O?Brien?s bowling. This, pointed out Chairman of Selectors Arnold Manders, was the third recent cricket-related offence by O?Brien.

?I have spoken to George O?Brien personally and I have said to him that we are looking at players to set a certain standard and that we?re looking forward to him meeting those standards,? divulged Logie.

?It?s not just him. (Stephen) Outerbridge is another guy who we looked at very carefully as well. These are young people who can be in the mix sooner or later but before that happens we need to see improvements in everything they do.

?We?re certainly not picking players just because they can bat and bowl. We have talked about them setting examples and a high standard of discipline both on and off the field.?

The coach noted the Island?s cricketing authorities had to consider the international competitions in which Bermuda would be involved.

?There are rules and regulations that we need to adhere to and once these players prove they are capable of raising their standard of play we are certainly going to be obliged to pick them.?

Manders also agreed the Cup Match sensation could press for national selection ?but he has to get help?.

?We have had disciplinary problems with George from the last Under-19 tournament where he had to be removed from the team and then we had problems with him last year down in Jamaica and now we see what he did in Cup Match.

?He has a lot of ability but he needs some help as far as anger management is concerned,? insisted the top selector.

As for O?Brien?s response to Logie?s comments, the coach said: ?He took it in stride. He felt there were things that needed to be done and indicated he would (do them). Maybe the first step was to apologise on television. Maybe it was a good sign. It shows he is making sure that people are aware that such (bad) behaviour is not something he wants to continue.?

Outerbridge ? who is among the invitees ? too did not escape Logie?s disapproval though the Trinidadian has not met with the blossoming batsman.

?I have sent word to him...and I even sent both him and George copies of what is expected of them at international level. I?ve also sent them the standards that we have as a national team,? elaborated Logie.

Meanwhile, it appears to be the end of veteran batsman Charlie Marshall?s international career as his name, along with those of ICC Trophy selectees Wendell White and Dennis Archer, was missing from the list.

By contrast, and somewhat surprisingly, Dion Stovell ? slapped with a four-month ban that saw the rising star sidelined most of this season ? has been summoned.

?Charlie is 44 and, in another two years, 46 and we?re looking at a very rigorous warm-up programme and then into the World Cup. I don?t know if his body can hold up for that,? said Manders skirting the matter delicately.

Logie was equally diplomatic about the hard-hitting left-hander who was axed from the national squad for indiscipline prior to last month?s ICC Trophy in Ireland.

?I?m not one to say it?s the end of Charlie Marshall?s international career but we?re looking at young players who are performing well. That?s our focus at the moment.?

Both selectors stressed that any cricketer who is not currently in the squad still has an opportunity to represent Bermuda.

?If somebody?s name is not there and they come into good form and we feel we need to add in more (players) we will certainly do so because we have two years. There?s still a chance for people to come in.

?We want to expose as many players as possible to make sure that we go with the best team,? explained Manders.

?Obviously with 2007 coming up we want to keep our team strong but we?re also looking beyond that to the future. So, the thing is to bring in young players gradually.?

Stating it?s a question of ?playing horses for courses?, Logie pointed out that teams for three-day fixtures will differ from those for One-Day games.