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Party time in Vegas as Pierce celebrates Giant pay rise

A week in Vegas with 50 friends and family ? now that?s how to spend your last week of freedom before pre-season training begins.

And that is how Bermuda?s NFL star Antonio Pierce is coping after signing a $33m deal with the New York Giants and going from an impressive youngster filling in for an injured veteran to a superstar in just one year.

But Pierce is determined to keep his feet on the ground and is actually more comfortable with his new role as one of the biggest movers in the NFL free agent frenzy.

?It is a comforting feeling to be in an organisation where everyone believes in you and expects you to form a certain role,? said Pierce, who spent just the final year of his four in Washington as a guaranteed starter.

?I always knew I could do it, but in Washington it wasn?t really until my fourth season that I got the chance to show other people that. You have to serve your time and I was just waiting for my chance and when Mike Barrow got injured, I got it.

?People said they were impressed with me but I was just doing what I knew I could and now I am with the Giants I feel comfortable working in that role where they have signed me because they know what I am capable of and people around me will expect it and I intend to deliver.?

And the Bermudian, who will be returning to the Island by the end of the month for a weekend and for at least a week in the summer, is happy that despite leaving the team he loved, he did the right thing and can now move on in his career.

Protracted negotiations with the Redskins didn?t yield the ?big payday? so Pierce tested the free agency market, turned down three teams and made his move to the Giants ? but not before honouring his promise to allow the Redskins to match his Giants deal.

?It is not all about money but this was my big chance at a payday and in this game you have to take it and do what?s right for yourself and your family? said Pierce, who was earning around the NFL minimum after signing as an undrafted free agent with the Redskins after his college career with Arizona.

?This was my first chance to see what I was worth and there was interest from Minnesota, Kansas City and New Orleans but the Giants was the best deal.

?I did the right thing and allowed Washington a chance to match my wage but that didn?t work out.

?I don?t think they were happy to lose me but I think they understood that I had to make the most of this opportunity. I enjoyed my time with Washington and I am grateful for the chance they gave me but I have no regrets about the decision.?

Redskins defensive co-ordinator Gregg Williams played a massive role in Pierce?s rise to top-tackler in the NFL?s third-ranked defence and the middle linebacker is confident he can adapt to new coaches and new plays.

?One thing I have always been pretty smart at is changing to fit the system,? said Pierce, who was taken out by his new defensive and linemen coaches to a New York Knicks game last week.

?I have worked with a lot of coaches over the years and I don?t have a problem adapting. Hopefully these guys will be able to get the most out of me and I can do the job for them.?

Despite picking up a $6.5m signing bonus, not to mention a five-year $26m salary after his move, Pierce is not concerned the money is going to change him.

?I know what I am doing,? said Pierce, who will begin looking for a New York apartment when he reports for March 21 pre-season at Giants Stadium.

?I don?t think I am the sort of guy who is going to go crazy. I know this is a big move for me but I want to keep my feet on the ground. I am not going to get silly and blow all this money.?

The week in Vegas, with college friends, former Redskins team-mates and family, is Pierce?s one big off-season treat.

?We are down here to party, I want to make the most of my last week before I have to report to the Giants,? he added.

?But after this it is up to New York and down to business. My goal is to be consistent, I don?t want a rollercoaster season, I want to play well every week for my new team. And my goal for the team is to win the NFC East get into the play-offs and try and get into the Super Bowl.?

And with the Giants splashing the cash on a number of big name free agents, that appears to be their aim too.